Pemanfaatan Model Active Learning Tipe Role Reversal Question untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar PPKN Materi Globalisasi

Fitri Yuli Astuti


The purpose of the study was to describe the use of active learning role reversal questions to improve Civics learning outcomes on globalization material for Class VI Semester I SD Negeri 3 Gunturharjo. The research design is Classroom Action Research. The research subjects for Class VI Semester I SD Negeri 3 Gunturharjo the academic years 2019/2020 totaled 11 students. The indicator of success is at least 75% of the total number of students getting a score of 75. Data analysis uses quantitative and qualitative descriptive. The results of the study show: (1) The use of active learning role reversal questions to improve the results of Civics learning on globalization materials through: the teacher makes questions, explains activities, divides groups, assigns discussions, assigns individual questions, questions and answers (switching roles), and feedback. (2) Civics learning outcomes for Class VI students in Semester I of SD Negeri 3 Gunturharjo increased: Pre-action 4 students (36.4%) averaged 66, Cycle I had 8 students (73%) averaged 74, and Cycle II had 10 students (91%) an average of 86. The learning is successful according to the KKM indicator ≥ 75 (91% ≥ 75%).


learning outcomes, PPKn, active learning role reversal question

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