Improvement of Mathematical Learning Outcomes Through The Media Assisted Rme Learning Model For Primary School Students

Sri Mulyati


The low results of learning mathematics shows not achieve the purpose of learning is optimal. It can be seen from the results of the daily test scores of grade IV SD Negeri Ronggo 03 on ordinary and mixed fraction material , it shows that 9 out of 24 students or 37% complete and 15 students or   63% are incomplete with KKM 70 The aim of research to describe enhancer of an outcome study of mathematics material fractions plain and mix in with the model pembelajarann Realistic Mathemathic Education (RME) with media objects nyata.Penelitian have implemented two cycles with the phases of planning , implementation , observation and reflection . From the results action shows an increase in mathematics learning outcomes of ordinary fractions and mixed materials through the RME learning model with real object media , it can be seen from the results of student learning evaluation in pre- cycle reaching 37%, increasing in cycle I 75%, cycle II 100% so that there is an increase from pre- cycle. cycle until cycle II amounted to 63%. The RME learning model with real object media can help students improve learning outcomes and improve the quality of learning on ordinary and mixed fraction material.


Results of study,r ealistic mathemathic education, objects real

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