Meningkatkan Pemahaman Siswa Kelas 5 Menggunakan Media Benda Konkret Materi Organ Pernapasan Manusia

Resmi Aji Hestiningrum


Through class action research conducted in each cycle discusses the use of concrete object learning media in IPA learning. The subject of this study is grade 5 students of Cimohong State Elementary School 01 Bulakamba Sub-District which numbered 34 students The purpose of this research is to improve students' understanding of respiratory system materials in humans. The data collection technique used is to compile the entire data that has been obtained in the study namely the observation sheet and evaluation sheet of students consisting of 10 items about multiple choice. The findings after conducting research and data processing then the results of the study can be described as follows: Student learning results are measured through the question of evaluation after the implementation of the study is completed in each cycle. Students' initial grades before Action showed an average score of 68.82 which is still below the specified KKM of 70. In Action Cycle 1 shows an average value of 73.53 and in cycle 2 79.12.  The form of learning using concrete object media will further improve students' understanding.


Action Research, Elementary Schol, student

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