Implementation Probem Based Learning Model to Enhance Ctirical Thinking IPA

Sulastri Sulastri, Anesa Surya


The objective of this research are improve critical thinking IPA by applying the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model. This research in Classroom Action Research with three cycles. The subject of this research were students of V class at SDN 2 Tegalsari, totalling 35 students. The research uses data collection techniques test and nontes. Result of thorough were in the intitial conditions of critcal thinking skills V class students showed 43% clasically. The first cycle resulting in a percentage of 40% in classial. The second cycle bresulting in a percentage of 86% in classical. The study continued with third cycle with the percentage of  achivement at the first learning amounting 97%.


Problem Based Learning, Critical Thinking Skills

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