HM. Soerya Respationo, M. Guntur Hamzah



Penegakan hukum tidak bekerja dalam ruang yang hampa sosial. Penegakan hukum senantiasa berinteraksi dengan dinamika masyarakat (external dynamics) dan dinamika dalam hukum itu sendiri (internal dynamics). Oleh karena itu, putusan hakim hendaknya merefleksikan kedua dinamika itu dengan cara mengkonstatir hubungan antara fakta, norma, moral, dan doktrin hukum dalam pertimbangan putusan hakim –baik secara sendiri-sendiri, maupun bersama—sangat terkait atau korelatif satu sama lain.Pola putusan hakim, termasuk penegakan hukumnya yang berlangsung saat ini masih didominasi tipe rasionalitas hukum formal. Ke depan –dalam rangka “good court governance”—pengembanan hukum praktis hendaknya di arahkan ke tipe rasionalitas refleksif, minimal diupayakan menggeser pola hubungan tersebut dari tipe rasionalitas formal ke rasionalitas substantif dan pada saatnya ke arah tipe rasionalitas hukum refkleksif.

Key Words: Putusan Hakim, Rasionalitas Hukum Refleksif, Penegakan Hukum


Law enforcement does not work in a social vacuum of space . Law enforcement continues to interact with the dynamics community (external dynamics ) and the dynamics within the law itself ( internal dynamics ). Therefore, the judge’s decision should reflect both the dynamics of the relationship between facts mengkonstatir way , norms , moral , and legal doctrine in consideration of the judge’s decision - either individually , or collectively a very related or the same correlative lain.pola verdict , including the enforcement of the present day is still dominated by the type of formal legal rationality . Forward - in the context of “good governance court “ - developing of practical law should be directed to the type of reflexive rationality , at least attempted to shift the pattern of the relationships of all types of formal rationality and substantive rationality in time towards the type of legal rationality refkleksif .

Key Words : Judgment , Rationality Reflexive Law , Law Enforcement


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