We are very pleased that Jurnal Verstek is presenting its Second Edition of 4th Volume. We are also very excited that the journal has been attracting papers from a variety of undergraduate law students. We are also delighted that the researchers from law students demonstrate interests to share their research with the readers of this journal.
Wa are aware that a journal needs commitment, not only from editors but also from editorial boards and the contributors. Without the support of our editorial boards we cannot achieve what we have now. We would also like to deliver a Special thanks, also, to the contributors of the journal for their trust, patience and timely revisions. We continue welcome article submissions in all fields of Procedural Law.
Wa are aware that a journal needs commitment, not only from editors but also from editorial boards and the contributors. Without the support of our editorial boards we cannot achieve what we have now. We would also like to deliver a Special thanks, also, to the contributors of the journal for their trust, patience and timely revisions. We continue welcome article submissions in all fields of Procedural Law.
Table of Contents
Nitralia Prameswari, Samirah -, Sri Wahyuningsih Yulianti, S,H., M.H
Avianty Nindita P, Caroline Augistine, Edy Hartanto, S.H., M.H
Sarah Amadea Kusuma, Farrah Fatihyah
Amastassia Louise E, Citra Amira Zolecha
Anna Riyana, Oktavia Dwi Tanjung S
Nindra Wahyu Hapsari, Ghea Clara Amanda
Andini Fitri Hapsari, Galuh Hadiningrum, Kristiyadi, S,H., M.Hum -
Dea Ayu Mustika Cahyani, Bambang Santoso, S.H., M.Hum
Sadam Al Akbar
Natalia Dian Jiwanti, Julian Agie Christina
Alasan Hukum Pengajuan Kasasi Oleh Terdakwa Berdasarkan Kealpaan Hakim Dalam Perkara Pencabulan Anak
Cindy Adiastari, Yustiandar Prahani
Muhammad Okky Arista, Putra Bagus Setya Dewanto
Aldi Naradwipa Simamora, Reza Priyambodo
Akbarika Mega M, Dinda Anasthasia, Melati Evalusyana I
Yavisparta Randy, Mahendra Putra