
Noramon Sapermsup


This article discusses the impact of language types on the second language learning. Research studies, especially, from the perspective of the type of word order in the sentences. The author compares VO (English and Thai) and OV (Kazakh and Kyrgyz) with their respective structures of prepositional frames. “At+N/NP+above/middle” in Chinese by analyzing the distinctive characteristics of each types between them. Then, propose an assumption about the relationship between different word ordering and mistakes in word order. The research results show that, in terms of word order in the sentences, although the Kazakh and Kyrgyz languages are greatly different from English and Thai, it shows similar mistakes of the VO language. This shows that the mistakes are not only related to the language type between the mother tongue and the target language. They are also related to the types of other languages they have studied before; Finally, this article provides recommendations for teaching and learning to help better understand the complexities of language learning, especially, the comparison and influence between different language types.


Chinese Preposition Frame; Types of Word Order in Sentences; Mistake Analysis; Suggestions for Teaching

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