Andrey Hernandoko, Mochammad Najib Imanullah


This study is aimed to know the differences between Product Sharing Contract and Gross Split along with the effects that appear in investment sector on the change of Product Sharing Contract to Gross Split. This study is based on the result of normative law study which has descriptive characteristic. The kind of data which was used was secondary data which was obtained by using literature review data collecting technique, the next was analyzed by doing law interpretation systematically. Systematic means by making classifications toward those written law materials to ease analysis and construction works. The results of this study showed the differences between Production Sharing Contract and Gross Split were that in Gross split has no longer familiar with cost recovery and base split in gross split were 57%:43% for oil production and 52%:48% for natural gas production. Moreover, in Gross split there was no First Tranche Petroleum and inside Gross Split there were variable components and progressive components to the additional of contractor split. Beside that, the authority of SKK Migas in the post implementation of Gross Split was changed in their orientations into focusing on exploration production, security, work safety, domestic component,even human resources matter. The second, Gross Split could give and increase oil and gas investmentclimate in Indonesia because it was more profitable than PSC. This was showed from Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Gross Split which bigger than PSC (Gross Split 28,8%, PSC 24,8%) if the contractor is efficient in operating and managing faster time than Production Sharing Contract, but the government needs to make a rule in Gross Split become Government Regulations and make easier the permission so that it can optimize oil and gas investment situation in Indonesia.

Key words: product sharing contract; gross split; implication; investment.

Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara Kontrak Bagi Hasil (Product Sharing Contract) dan Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross Split serta akibat yang ditimbulkan di bidang investasi atas perubahan Kontrak Bagi Hasil (Product Sharing Contract) ke Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross Split. Kajian ini didasarkan atas  hasil  kajian  hukum  normatif  yang  bersifat  deskriptif.  Jenis  data  yang  digunakan  berupa  data sekunder yang diperoleh teknik pengumpulan data studi pustaka, yang selanjutnya dianalisis dengan melaksanakan penafsiran hukum secara sistematis. Sistemasi berarti, membuat klasifikasi terhadap bahan-bahan hukum tertulis tersebut, untuk memudahkan kerjaan analisa dan konstruksi. Hasil dari kajian ini menunjukkan perbedaan antara Production Sharing Contract dengan Gross Split adalah dalam Gross Split sudah tidak mengenal cost recovery dan base split dalam gross split adalah 57%:43% untuk produksi minyak dan 52%:48% untuk produksi gas bumi. Selain itu di dalam Gross Split sudah tidak ada lagi First Tranche Petroleum, dan di dalam Gross Split terdapat komponen variabel dan komponen progresif untuk tambahan split kontraktor. Selain itu kewenangan SKK Migas pasca penerapan Gross Split berubah orientasinya menjadi fokus pada produksi eksplorasi, keamanan, dan keselamatan kerja, Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri (TKDN), hingga persoalan sumber daya manusia. Yang kedua, Gross Split dapat memberikan iklim investasi migas di Indonesia meningkat karena lebih menguntungkan dari PSC. Hal ini terlihat dari Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Gross Split yang lebih besar yakni sebesar 28,8% daripada PSC yang hanya 24,8% jika kontraktor dapat efisien dalam beroperasi dan efisiensi waktu yang
lebih cepat daripada Production Sharing Contract, namun pemerintah perlu membuat aturan Gross Split  menjadi Peraturan Pemerintah dan lebih mempermudah perizinan agar dapat mengoptimalkan suasana investasi migas di Indonesia.

Kata Kunci: kontrak bagi hasil; kontrak bagi hasil gross split; implikasi; investasi.

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