Pengembangan website bioenial berbasis keterampilan proses sains pada materi sistem pernapasan.

Kusnia Patmawati, Bowo Sugiharto, Meti Indrowati


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui karakteristik KPS berbasis website Bioenial pada materi sistem pernapasan dan (2) mengetahui kelayakan SPS berbasis website Bioenial digunakan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran materi sistem pernapasan Negeri 1 Teras berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. . Kuesioner validasi, dan angket respon guru dan siswa lainnya, adalah jenis metode pengumpulan data. Teori klasik dan model Rasch digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, bahan sistem pernapasan digunakan untuk mengembangkan website bioenial berbasis KPS. Melalui kegiatan experiential learning, website bioenial memiliki kemampuan mengaktifkan KPS siswa. Ahli materi menilai website bioenial sangat layak (96%), ahli media menilai sangat layak (95,68%), dan ahli pembelajaran menilai sangat layak (89,1%). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah pengembangan website bioenial berbasis SPS materi sistem pernafasan sangat layak untuk digunakan dan mendapat respon positif dari guru dan siswa.


Development bioenial's website based on respiratory system material science process skills. The research aims to (1) the characteristics to Bioenial's Website based Science Process Skills (SPS) on respiratory system materials and (2) recognize the feasibility of Bioenial's website based SPS used in learning activities of respiratory system materials Negeri 1 Teras participated in this research. Validation questionnaires, and other teacher and student response questionnaires, are types of data collection methods. Classic theory and the Rasch model were used to analyze the data. According to the results, the respiratory system material was used to develop the KPS-based bioenial website. Through experiential learning activities, the bioenial's website has the ability to enable students' KPS. Subject matter experts graded the bioenial website as very feasible (96%), media experts graded as very feasible (95.68%), and learning experts graded very feasible (89.1%). The study's conclusion is that the development of a bioenial website based SPS on the respiratory system material is very feasible for use and accepts a positive response form teachers and students.

Kata Kunci

KPS, Website Bioenial, Respiratory System

Teks Lengkap:



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