Serli Ayu Pramudita, Sri Dwiastuti, Suciati Sudarisman


The research aimed to improve students’ KPS through BIL model in biological learning process on 1st  grade of science 2 at SMA Negeri 1 Surakarta in Academic Year of 2014/ 2015. The research belongs to classroom action research consist of two cycle and each have four phases, namely: planning, actuating, observing, and reflecting.  Research was carried out on four aspects of the students’ KPS that includes aspects of measuring, formulating the problem, formulating hypotheses and experimental plan to achieve an increase of 20%. The Subject of this research is 1st  grade 31 students of science 2 at SMA N 1 Surakarta. Sources of data obtained from the teacher and students. Test and non test technics were used to collect the data. It was carried out by using KPS question test, observation, and interview. The obtained data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative method consist of three components , namely: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion or verification. Validated through using triangulation method. The method of research was spiral method. The result showed that BIL able to improve four aspects of student’s KPS from Pre-Cycle, 1st Cycle and 2nd Cycle, such as: 1) in aspect measuring (24,74%, 82,28%, 86,57%) achieve an increase of 61,83%; 2) formulating the problem (22,80%, 88,71%, 91,58%) achieve an increase of 68,78%; 3) formulating hypotheses (24,60%, 86,78%, 94,31%) achieve an increase of 69,71%; 4) experimental plan (17,40%, 76,90%, 85,31%) achieve an increase of 67,91%. Therefore, it can be concluded that BIL in biological learning process could improved students’ KPS more than 20% on 1st  grade students of science 2 at SMA N 1 Surakarta in Academic Year of 2014/2015.


Keywords: BIL model, KPS

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