Hubungan antara Gaya Belajar, Motivasi dan Kemandirian Belajar dengan Hasil Belajar Biologi Siswa SMP



The research aims (i) to describe learning style, motivation, learning independence, and Biology learning results; (ii) to discover the relation between learning style and Biology learning results; (iii) to discover the relation between motivation and Biology learning results; (iv) to discover the relation between learning independence and Biology learning results; (v) to discover the relation of learning style, motivation, and learning independence simultaneously with Biology learning outcomess. The research is ex-post facto with the sample total are 288 students. The results of the research reveal that learning style tends to be in visual type and auditori type, then motivation, learning independence, and Biology learning outcomes were in high category. The learning style and Biology learning results have correlation coefficient by 0,985, and it can be stated that they have positive and very strong relation significantly. The motivation and Biology learning results have correlation coefficient by 0,984, and it can be stated that they have positive and very strong relation significantly. The learning independence and Biology learning results have correlation coefficient by 0,991, and it can be stated that they have positive and very strong relation significantly. Simultaneously, the learning style, motivation, and learning independence with Biology learning results have correlation coefficient by 0,991, and it can be stated that they have positive and very strong relation significantly.

Kata Kunci

Gaya Belajar; Motivasi; Kemandirian Belajar; Hasil Belajar

Teks Lengkap:



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