Peningkatan Aktivitas Dan Hasil Belajar Kognitif melalui Model STAD disertai Mind Mapping

Papin Citra Resti Rustanto, Yudi Rinanto, Nurmiyati Nurmiyati


This research aims at improvement the learning activity and the concept achievement through the use of STAD Model with Mind Mapping. This research is a classroom Action Research conducted into two cycles, from February 2016 to March 2016. Each cycle consist of four stages, namely Planning, Acting, Observing, and Reflecting. The research subject is 31 students of class XI MIPA 4 at SMA Negeri 6 Surakarta in the Academic Year of 2015/2016. The data art obtained from the observation, test, questionnaires, interview, and documentation. The data about the learning activities includes visual activities, oral activities, listening activities, writing activities, drawing activities, and emotional activities, measured by the observation field notes. The concept achievement is measured by using a cognitive test in the form of an objective test of multiple choices. The data art analysed by using descriptive analysis technique. The validity is measured by using triangulation technique. The research procedures are conducted by using spiral Kemmis and Mc. Targart. Target of the study is 25% of the base line. Through the observation, the research can enhancement of  precycle to cycle II has increased. The analysis of the research show that the visual activity increased from 25,81% to 96,77%, oral activities  increased from 22,58%  to  90,32%, listening activities increased from  45,16%  to  93,55%,  writing activities increased from 67,74% to 70,79%, drawing activities increased from 9,68% to 90,32%, motor activities  increased from 0% to 83,87%, mental activities  increased from 35,48% to 67,74%, emotional activities  increased from 32,26% to 93,55%, the concept test increased from 25,81% to 87,1%.

Kata Kunci

STAD model; Mind Mapping; Learning of Activity and Concept Achievement

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