Perbedaan Model Problem-Based Learning Berbasis Potensi Lokal dan Model Konvensional terhadap Literasi Sains dan Kesiapan Berperilaku Peduli Lingkungan



The purposes of this research are to know (1) difference of Problem-Based Learning model based on localities and conventional model toward the student’s scientific literacy ,(2) to know the difference of Problem-Based Learning model based on localities and conventional model toward the student’s readiness environmental behavior attitude, and 3) the influence Problem-Based Learning model based on localities  toward student’s scientific literacy, (4) Highest  score of student’s scientific literacy and readiness environmental attitude behavior, and (5) the interaction between scientific literacy and readiness environmental behavior attitude of student’s at grade X SMA Al Islam 1 Surakarta. This research was quasi experimental research with post-test non equivalent control group design and cluster sampling technique. The sample was two classes, they’re experiment class used Problem-Based Learning  model base on localities and control class with conventional model (discussion and expository methods). Data collection were objective  test score, questionnaire of environmental attitude, observation report, and student’s early score. Analysis of data used t-test, pearson product moment correlation, and linear  regression.The result of this research,  tcount >ttable and sig. <0,05 for student’s scientific literacy, student’s readiness environmental knowledge and student’s environmental behavior, means Ho was rejected in t-test. It has showed that scientific literacy and student’s environmental attitude in experiment and control class was significantly different. Interaction between scientific literacy and readiness environmental knowledge result ,tcount > ttable and sig. <0.05, means Ho was accepted and interaction scientific literacy and readiness environmental behavior result,  tcount <ttable and sig. >0.05, its means Ho was rejected.The conclution of research, there was student scientific literacy and readiness environmental behavior attitude used treatment Problem-Based Learning model based on localities better than conventional model, there was no interaction between scientific literacy and readiness environmental knowledge, and there was interaction between scientific literacy and readiness environmental behavior of grade X SMA Al Islam 1 Surakarta Academic Year 2013/2014

Kata Kunci

Problem-Based Learning Model; Scientific Literacy; Readiness of Environmental Behavior Attitude

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