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IJAI (Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics)
Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics publishes articles that are of significance in their respective fields whilst also contributing to the discipline of informatics as a whole and its application. Every incoming manuscript will first be examined by the Editorial Board in accordance with sub-fields of research and attention to elements of conformity with the format and guidelines for writing Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics. Each manuscript is declared eligible by the editor will be returned to the author (if there are repairs) or can be directly issued (if there is no revision required).
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IJIE (Indonesian Journal of Informatics Education)
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Journal title | Indonesian Journal of Applied Physics |
Initials | IJAP |
Frequency | Two issues per year (April and October) |
DOI | Prefix 10.13057 by |
Online ISSN | 2477-6416 |
Print ISSN | 2089-0133 |
Editor-in-chief | Prof. Nuryani, Ph.D |
Managing Editor | Dr Mohtar Yunianto |
Publisher | Department of Physics, Sebelas Maret University in collaboration with Physical Society of Indonesia (LoA, website) |
Indonesian Journal of Applied Physics, a journal provides rapid publication and important research in fields of physics, This journal covers research in the following areas: Materials physics, Theoretical & Computational physics, Instrumentation, and Geophysics Tracks ( read more...). We accept submission from all over the world. All submitted articles shall never be published elsewhere, original and not under consideration for other publication.
To implement the quality assurance of the journal, the editorial board members were invited from various countries, such as Indonesia, France, Mexico, Malaysia, Japan, India, China, Australia, and Finland. Meanwhile, the authors are from many countries such as Indonesia, Japan, the United States, Finland, the United Kingdom, Australia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Turkey, Mesir, India, China, Timor Leste, Taiwan, and Nigeria). Peer reviewers who have worked in the editorial process come from many countries, such as Indonesia, Egypt, Bangladesh, Mexico, Turkey, Malaysia, India, and the United Kingdom.
IJAP has been accredited by National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) Managed by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic Indonesia with First Grade ( SINTA 1 ) since year 2023 to 2026 according to the decree No. 0041/E5.3/HM.01.00/2023.
Article Processing Cost is FREE for manuscript submitted by overseas author/s. Manuscript written by Indonesian author/s collaborated with overseas author/s will be charged 50% DISCOUNT of the APC.
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Indonesian Journal of Applied Statistics
Indonesian Journal of Applied Statistics (IJAS) (e-ISSN: 2621-086X) is a journal published by Study Program of Statistics, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia in collaboration with Forum Pendidikan Tinggi Statistika (FORSTAT). This journal is published twice every year, in May and November. The editors receive scientific papers on the results of research, scientific studies, and problem solving research using statistical method. Received papers will be reviewed to assess the substance of the material feasibility and technical writing.
Indonesian Journal of Applied Statistics (IJAS) is included in: Dimensions, SINTA, Google Scholar, Crossref, Garuda, and Mendeley database.
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Indonesian Journal Of Civil Engineering Education
Journal title | Indonesian Journal Of Civil Engineering Education |
Initials | IJCEE |
Frequency | Twice a Year in July and December |
DOI | Prefix 10.20961 |
Online ISSN | 2598-2931 |
Print ISSN | 2614-378X |
Editor-in-chief | Dr. Anis Rahmawati S.T., M.T. |
Publisher | Civil Engineering Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University |
The Indonesian Journal of Civil Engineering Education (IJCEE) is a scientific journal promoting the study of, and interest in, civil engineering education. It is a national journal published by the Civil Engineering Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia. The Indonesian Journal of Civil Engineering Education (IJCEE) was published in 2016 and has been accredited in 2018.
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INKUIRI: Jurnal Pendidikan IPA
P-ISSN: 2252-7893 | E-ISSN: 2615-7489
Journal title | Inkuiri: Jurnal Pendidikan IPA | |
Print ISSN | 2252-7893 | |
Online ISSN | 2615-7489 | |
DOI | 10.20961/inkuiri || prefix by | |
Frequency | 2 issues per year | |
Editor-in-chief | Dr. Bramastia, S.Pd., M.Pd. | |
Managing Editor | Dewanta Arya Nugraha, M.Pd., M.Si. | |
Publisher | Universitas Sebelas Maret |
The accepted and published articles will be freely accessed in this website. the published articles is indexed by: Google Scholar, Garuda, Crossref, ROAD Directory, etc.(more index )
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International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education
Journal title | International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education |
Initials | IJPTE |
Frequency | Two issues per year (April and October) |
DOI | Prefix 10.20961 |
Online ISSN | 2549-8525 |
Print ISSN | 2597-7792 |
Editor-in-chief | Gunarhadi |
Publisher | Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta Indonesia |
IJPTE publishes original research and review articles, including field research pertinent to the method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept within the context of pre-service or in-service teacher development.
Papers that address the connections between reflection, knowledge, and practice, critical analyses of particular programs, development initiatives, technology, assessment, and policy matters, as these topics relate to the main focuses of the journal, are welcome.
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International Journal of Science and Applied Science: Conference Series
International Journal of Science and Applied Science: Conference Series is a scientific proceedings publication service for international conferences. Subject areas of this publication include Natural Sciences, Applied Sciences, Social Sciences, and Education. International Journal of Science and Applied Science: Conference Series is published by Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia.
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ITSMART: Jurnal Teknologi dan Informasi
ITSmart;Jurnal Teknologi dan Informasi is Journal that published by Department of Informatics Sebelas Maret University.