Penerapan Model Geographically Weighted Regression(GWR) Pada Produksi Ubi Jalar

Yuliana Susanti


Sweet potatoes are a major source of carbohydrate, after rice, corn, and cassava. Sweet potato is consumed as an additional or side meal, except in Irian Jaya and Maluku, sweet potato is used as staple food. The main problem faced in increasing sweet potato production is still relies on certain areas, namely Java Island, as the main producer of sweet potato. Differences in production is what often causes the needs of sweet potato in various regions can not be fulfilled and there is a difference price of sweet potato. To fulfill the needs of sweet potato in Java, mapping areas of sweet potato production need to be made so that areas with potential for producing sweet potato can be developed while areas with insufficient quantities of sweet potato production may be given special attention. Due to differences in production in some areas of Java which depend on soil conditions, altitude, rainfall and temperatures, a model of sweet potato production will be developed using the GWR model. Based on the Geographically weighted regression model for each regencies / cities in Java Island, it can be concluded that the largest sweet potato production coming from Kuningan with R2 equal 99.86%.
Keywords : Geographically weighted regression, model, sweet potato

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