The Implementation of Indirect Corrective Feedback to Improve Eleventh Graders’ Writing Performances

Firda Aprilia, Dewi Rochsantiningsih, Sri Haryati


Written corrective feedback is an effective way of improving students’ writing. Numerous previous studies have demonstrated this. Teachers are free to choose their corrective feedback. There are several types of corrective feedback that can be employed in the writing classroom, such as direct, indirect, and metalinguistic feedback. This paper discusses the use of indirect corrective feedback in the writing classroom. The research aims to improve students’ writing performances using indirect corrective feedback. This study uses classroom action research, and the participants of this study are 24 eleventh grade students in Karanganyar. The main data of the research is based on the students’ writing papers. The study is conducted in five meetings with 4 steps of the classroom action research procedure: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The writing test in pre-research and at the end of each cycle are used to measure students’ improvement. The findings of this study indicate that indirect corrective feedback is effective in improving students’ writing skills, as evidenced by the improvement of the students’ writing scores.


indirect corrective feedback; self-editing; writing skills

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