An Analysis of Reading Tasks in "Pathway to English" Textbook: Bloom's Taxonomy Perspective

Galuh Putri Utami, Joko Nurkamto, Kristiandi Kristiandi


A task in a textbook plays a crucial role in the learning process. The sufficient task helps students to practice their skills. The investigation of the cognitive levels of reading tasks and the form of higher-order thinking questions in the reading tasks within the Pathway to English textbook is the aim of this descriptive qualitative study. The data were collected through document analysis and expert judgment with one of the English teachers in Surakarta. Subsequently, the percentage and the frequencies of the cognitive level of questions were calculated and tabulated. Afterward, the results showed that the reading tasks do not fully cover all cognitive levels, missing creating levels. It was also revealed that there are four forms of higher-order thinking questions. Even though there are various forms of higher-order thinking questions in the reading tasks, it still has a weakness. In addition, this study recommends that textbook authors advance the questions with higher-order thinking skills. It is expected that this study will be able to provide insight into textbook selection for English teachers and serve as a consideration for future researchers interested in the same topic.


Bloom's taxonomy; higher-order thinking skill; reading task

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