Implementing Jigsaw Strategy to Enhance Students' Reading Comprehension

wahyu mulyani, Abdul Asib, Hefy Sulistyawati


The objectives of this research are to describe how the use of jigsaw strategy can increase the students’ reading comprehension and to identify the students’ attitude toward the use of jigsaw strategy in reading class. The subject of the research was the eleventh-grade students of Islamic High School in Boyolali. The research was a classroom action research. The researcher found two improvements: First, the students’ reading comprehension skill improved after the implementation of the jigsaw strategy. It is proved by the result of the students’ mean score of the test that is 43 in pre-test and 55 in post-test 1 and 65 post-test 2. It means that there is an enhancement of the students’ reading comprehension achievement after the action. Second, the students’ attitude toward the use of jigsaw strategy can enjoyable and actively involved in the learning process. They can process the information, construct the understanding, apply knowledge, and solve problems better and also they can share their knowledge and help each other in the learning process. They also discipline and respect to others during the learning process. It means that their aspects of attitude, such as cognitive, affective, and behavior are improved.


Jigsaw strategy; reading comprehension; students’ attitude

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