An Analysis of Teacher’s Questioning in Classroom Interaction of English Language Teaching

Shintya Yahya, Suparno Suparno


This study aims 1) to examine the types of teacher's questions, 2) to reveal the pragmatic functions of teacher's questions, and 3) to investigate what questioning skills performed by the teacher in posing questions during classroom interaction. The research  used  a qualitative method  that  collected  the data through  observations, video-taping, and interview. The findings revealed that the teacher employed various types of questions during the lessons. Out of 268 questions, the questions covered convergent (56%/150), divergent (10.4%/28), and procedural (33.6%/90). It also showed that the questions performed nine pragmatic functions with the most frequent occurrence of  eliciting  information  function  and  the less  frequent  occurrence of permission function. Furthermore, the teacher has performed the questioning skills with the least degree. Those skills comprised concerning the range of question types, gaining students' participation,  and  giving adequate time to  think.  Each  type  of question has its purposes, primarily toward students' involvement in classroom interaction. The pragmatic analysis plays a role in seeking what the teacher truly means to avoid misunderstanding. Those purposes and pragmatic functions of questions will proceed more appropriately if the teacher performs the questioning skills.


teacher's questions; pragmatic function; classroom interaction; questioning skills

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