Using Teacher’s Feedback to Improve Students’ Grammar Mastery in Writing Cause and Effect Composition

Aprilia Wulandari, Abdul Asib, Hefy Sulistyawati


This paper discusses the result of action research which is aimed to improve the students’ grammar mastery in writing cause and effect composition using teacher’s feedback. The objectives of the research are 1) To find out how the teacher’s feedback improves the students’ grammar mastery in writing cause and effect composition; 2) To find out how the teacher’s feedback improves the students’ motivation in writing cause and effect composition. This research was carried out at the eleventh grade of senior high school in Boyolali. The method used in this research was classroom action research (CAR). To collect qualitative data, the researcher used interviews, observation, and questionnaires. While collecting quantitative data, the researcher used writing tests. After the data is collected, the researcher analyzed both quantitative and qualitative data. The result shows that: 1) teacher’s feedback can improve the students’ grammar mastery in writing cause and effect composition; 2) teacher’s feedback can improve the students’ motivation in writing cause and effect composition. It can be concluded that teacher’s feedback can be used as an alternative strategy to improve the students’ motivation and grammar mastery in writing.


teacher’s feedback, writing, grammar, motivation, classroom action research

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