The Correlation Between Conscientiousness, Vocabulary Mastery, and Reading Achievement

Resa Indri Noor Andhiyanti, Muh. Asrori, Gunarso Susilohadi


The literature says that there is correlation between conscientiousness and vocabulary mastery toward reading achievement. The objective of this article is to report the result of a correlational study between conscientiousness and vocabulary mastery toward reading achievement. This research used a correlation method. The population was the tenth grade students of SMAN 3 Boyolali in the academic year of 2013/2014. Class X-4 was taken as the sample by using cluster random sampling. The data were obtained by means of questionnaire and tests. The data were analysed by single correlation, multiple linear regression and multiple correlation. The findings shows that there a positive correlation between conscientiousness, students’ vocabulary mastery toward students’ reading achievement, both partially and simultaneously. The positive correlation indicated that the increase of students’ conscientiousness and vocabulary mastery will be followed by the increase of the students’ reading achievement.


conscientiousness; vocabulary mastery; reading achievement

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