Teacher’s Perceptions on Scientific Approach and How It Is Effected in The English Teaching

Anggita Ari Annisa, Dewi Rochsantiningsih, Dewi Sri Wahyuni


The objectives of this study are to describe teacher’s perception about scientific approach (SA), analyze factors influencing teacher’s perception about SA, and describe how teacher’s perceptions about SA as reflected in English teaching. The techniques of collecting data used in this case study are interview, document, and observation. The sources of data are (1) participants, who are the English teacher and tenth-grade students of SMK N 2 Karanganyar, (2) events which are teaching-learning activities and (3) documents which are teacher’s lesson plan, interview transcript, questioner transcript, and observation transcript. The techniques used to analyze the data are data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The research findings show; (1) teacher’s perceptions about SA are teacher agrees that SA is suitable for English teaching and improves students participation in the class, SA improves teacher’s creativity in preparing teaching model and students’ creativity, and SA is difficult to apply thoroughly; (2) factors influenced teacher’s perceptions are: teacher’s teaching experiences, teacher’s background knowledge about SA, and difficulties encountered by teacher in applying SA; and (3) In the class there are several steps of SA are not implemented during teaching-learning process and some materials do not fulfill the fourth competence in syllabi.


teacher’s perceptions;scientific approach;teaching English;curriculum 2013

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