activity at 60°C and pH 5-8. Bacteria on the “gambas” roots grow well (GPP2, OU1, OU2) and still active at 60°C, and the enzyme still active at 60°C and pH 4-8. Rough of extracted enzyme from isolates of the best area of rice roots PU+2 and PU+1, beans KTJ2 and KPJW, sugar cane TU1 and TU2, corn JP1 and JPJ1, “gambas” GPP2 and OU2, were stable at 80°C. Selected isolates actived at pH 6-8 are PJ3, OU 2, WP1, WP4, JW1, JP1, KPtU 2, KJP1, KPtU4, TJ2, while PJ2 and TU1 were active in pH 6-9.
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