The Influence Of Giving Rewards And Punishment On The Learning Motivation Of Class V Students Of SD Negeri 2 Jambukidul, Ceper District, Klaten District, Academic Year 2018/2019

Mujiyati Mujiyati


Motivation for learning that comes from within students grows because of the enthusiasm for achieving the highest achievement based on the awareness. Teachers can drive student motivation through meeting. One of the needs of students is the need for rewards contained in intellectual needs. Activities that can be carried out by the teacher to meet the needs of appreciation in learning are by providing reward and punishment. The data analysis technique uses Multiple Linear Regression. The research sample was 32, with the determination of the sample using the purposive sampling method. This study uses data sources from non-test instruments are questionnaires and observation sheets. The results of this study are that the reward and punishment variables significantly influence students' learning motivation with positive coefficient direction. From the results of the analysis using multiple regression, the price of the correlation coefficient is 0.794. To find out whether the influence is significant or not is to use a probability value. The value of the probability of reward and punishment is 0,000.


reward, punishment and student learning motivation

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