Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Pada Pokok Bahasan Perkalian Melalui Media Lidi Bambu Kelas 2 SDN 1 Ringinputih

Suwarti Suwarti


The purpose of this research is to improve motivation and learning out comes math on the subject of the multiplication with a bamboo stick media. This research is a conducted in two cycles with the number of students 21 people at SDN 1 Ringinputih, instrument used is sheet of observation to find the activities to learn as well as awritten test to determine student learning out comes. Research show that students motivation increased by 57,14% and 42,86% began to develop already entrached whereas 100% of student learning outcomes have achieved mastery learning. Base on these result suggested that teachers were more critical in selected choose medias.


learning outcomes, multiplication, bamboo stick.

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