Implementation of Independent Character Education through Exemplary and Habituation in Class IV Students Elementary School 1 Baturan

Gatot Sarjana


This study aims to describe the implementation of independent character education through exemplary and habituation in class IV students of Elementary School 1 Baturan. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative method supported by field research and references related to the themes discussed. The subjects used in this study were fourth grade students, totaling 11 students. Data collection techniques used by using the method of observation, interviews, and documentation methods. Qualitative data analysis techniques use reduction, display and generalizations or conclusions. Based on the results of the research, it shows that (1) the reasons for carrying out independent character education for students include (a) guaranteeing the formation of a good personality (b) being able to increase achievement (c) being able to distinguish between error and truth; (2) the implementation of students' independent character education can be seen from the aspect of self-development; (3) Exemplary forms and habits that are implemented; (a) get used to cleaning the table yourself, (b) get used to picking up trash and Throw garbage in its place. As for the habituation that is done, namely; (a) get used to praying before and after carrying out activities, (b) get used to doing daily assignments and tests on their own, (c) get used to throwing trash in its place, (d) get used to picket class alone, (e) get used to be confident and dare to remind friends when they make mistakes.


independent, exemplary, habituation.

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