The Potential for Animation for Educating Society on the Dangers of Early Marriage: Preliminary Study

Erlin Sulistyorini, Munawir Yusuf, Triana Rejekiningsih


Early marriage is an issue that needs to be addressed immediately in order to maintain the stability of individual household ages. One of these efforts can be carried out by campaigning for the prevention of early marriage in po-syandu units in villages. Therefore, this study aims to identify the need and potential for using animated media to campaign for the prevention of early marriage. This research is included in the needs analysis research with the type of research being qualitative, followed by instruments for collecting da-ta, namely observation sheets and a list of questions for interviews. The re-search subjects consisted of informants and residents. The data analysis technique was carried out descriptively. The results of this research succeed-ed in showing that, as a whole, residents need a media to serve as their main source of information in understanding the dangers of early marriage, bear-ing in mind that they also do not really understand what is meant by early marriage. The hope is that when residents understand the dangers of early marriage which are published in animation-based information media, there will be a decrease in the number of early marriages because parents already have an initial concept of the dangers. It is hoped that this research can be-come the basis for the development of an innovative animation media prod-uct as a means for residents to understand the impacts and dangers of early marriage.


animation, early marriage, media, posyandu

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