Increasing Students Creativity Learning In Mathematic Subject Through Realistic Mathematic Education Approach in Fifth Grade SDN Gulon

Sulistyani Agustina


This study aims to increase the creativity and learning outcomes of fifth grade students at SD Negeri Gulon through a Realistic Mathematical Education approach. This type of research is Classroom Action Research. Data collection techniques through pre-test and post-test. The results showed that the indicators of frequently asking questions with weight increased from 28.57% in the first cycle to 82.86% in the second cycle. Indicators providing ideas and suggestions for a problem increased from 31.43% to 80%. The indicator can work alone from 62.85% to 85.71%. Indicators of having their own opinion are not easily influenced by others increasing from 40% to 77.14%. While the indicator of being able to develop an idea increased from 34.29% to 82.86%. In addition to the increase in interest indicators, student learning outcomes also increased, namely the pre-cycle only reached 46.71%, the first cycle reached 57.14%, the second cycle reached 94.29%.


learning creativity, realistic mathematic education

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