Through The Poster Session Method to Improve Thematic Learning Outcomes in Class III Students SD Negeri 04 Ngringo

Novia Trianawati


The purpose of this study was to improve student learning outcomes in thematic subjects, theme I, sub-theme 3, the development and growth of class III living things using the Postersession Method. This research technique is a class action research technique through 2 cycles in the classroom. Data instruments consist of observation, documentation and evaluation tests. Pre-cycle students with student learning outcomes above KKM totaling 9 students (36%) and below KKM totaling 16 (64%). After the first cycle of action, students began to see an increase in learning outcomes that met the KKM as many as 16 students (64%) and below the KKM as many as 9 students (36%). Continuing the second cycle of action, students get very high learning outcomes and the height is still the same but there is an increase in the number of students who score 100, students with scores above the KKM are 22 children (88%) this has met the Performance Indicator target of 70%, so this This can prove that the poster session method can improve learning outcomes thematic theme 1 sub-theme 3 growth and development of living things in class III SD Negeri 04 Ngringo.


the postersession method improves learning outcomes

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