Nilai-Nilai Asthabrata Sebagai Local Wisdom Untuk Penguatan Sikap Kepemimpinan Dalam Pembelajaran Sejarah Indonesia

Siti Rhohana


This study examines efforts to inculcate Asthabrata values as local wisdom to strengthen leadership attitudes in learning. The objectives of this study are 1) to describe the Astabrata values as local wisdom 2) to describe the efforts to inculcate Asthabrata values to strengthen leadership attitudes in history learning. The methodology used in this study is a literature study. Based on the literature study, the authors found that in Asthabrata's values as Javanese local wisdom, there are eight characteristics that must be possessed by a leader. These eight attributes are based on the disposition of the Eight gods, namely Indra, Yama, Surya, Candra, Bhayu, Kuwera, Baruna and Agni. For the Javanese people, these Asthabrata values have been applied since a long time ago, especially when the kingdoms were still standing in the archipelago. Therefore, it would be better if these values are applied in the present. Attitude strengthening efforts can be integrated through Asthabrata values by utilizing historical learning. So, efforts to instill Asthabrata values as local wisdom can be used to strengthen leadership attitudes in students.


asthabrata values, local wisdom, leadership attitude, history learning

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