Improving Student Learning Outcomes About the Addition of Two Numbers with a Maximum Result of 20 Using the Make A Match Learning Model 1ST Grade Bonosari Elementary School

Siti Qodriyatun


This study aims to: improve learning result on addition of two number with a maximum result of 20 in1st grade students Elementary  School.  The  research  was  conducted  in  three  cycles.  The subjects were all students of  1st grade Elementary School Bonosari with total 20 students. Data  sources in  this  research  is students,  peers,researcher and document.  Data  collection techniques used observation, questionnaires, documentation and testing. The validity of data used triangulation techniques and the sources. The qualitative and quantitative analysis were used  to  analyst  the  data.  The  results  showed  that  the  use  of  the  Make  a  Match  model  can improve learning result on addition of two number in 1st grade elementary school.


make a match,learning result, addition of two number

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