Improvement of Social Science Learning Achievement With A Scientific Approach Assisted With The Zoom Meeting Application in Class IV Primary School

Imron Ade Irawan


The purpose of this classroom action research is to improve social studies learning outcomes through the Scientific Approach assisted by the Zoom Meeting Application. The subjects in this study were fourth grade students of SD Negeri Cilacap 05, with 29 children. This research was conducted in grade IV SD Negeri Cilacap 05, Korwil for Education, Cilacap Selatan, Cilacap Regency. This research was conducted in the 1st semester of the 2020/2021 school year, lasting for 3 weeks starting from the 4th week of October 2020 to the 2nd week of November 2020. The number of students who completed studying in the Pre-Cycle was only 10 children or 34% and students 19 children or 66% have not yet completed. In Cycle I student learning outcomes increased with an average score of 73.27. Students who completed learning were 21 children or 72%. Then in Cycle II there was a slight increase in student learning outcomes, namely 23 students who completed learning or 79%. Based on the description above, it is concluded that applying the Scientific Approach and assisted by the Zoom Meeting Application in the social studies learning process can improve the learning outcomes of fourth grade students of SD Negeri Cilacap 05. So, the hypothesis that the author proposes in this classroom action research is truly proven


learning outcomes, scientific approach, zoom meeting application

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