Improved Mathematics Learning Outcomes with Powerpoint Media for Class 3 Elementary Student

Sri Riningsih


The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in mathematics learning outcomes of subtraction material using powerpoint media for third grade students of SDN 03 Tegalsari.

Data collection methods used include documentation, test, and observation methods.

The research results obtained

 The average value of mathematics learning outcomes of class III students in cycle I was 66, in cycle II was 82 so that there was an increase in the average value from cycle I to cycle II

The percentage of students 'learning completeness in cycle I was 54%, in cycle II it was 92% so that there was an increase in students' learning completeness from cycle I to cycle II.

Based on the information above, it can be concluded that: through powerpoint media it can improve mathematics learning outcomes in class III students of SDN 03 Tegalsari.


Math, powerpoint, elementary school

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