Pengaruh Pola Asuh Anak Terhadap Perilaku Menyimpang Pada Usia Remaja

Ridwan Fauzi, Rifqi Roni Chasbulloh, Irfan Yoni Tama


In millennial era like now, we often encounter deviant behavior, the culprits are teenagers. They consider deviant behavior carried out as a natural thing and can even be a pride for the perpetrators. Meanwhile, deviant behavior violates the norms that exist in society. Therefore family parenting is very influential on the process of forming and developing the child's personality, attitudes, and character in the future. Proper parenting in the family can be a strong foundation in building children's behavior so as not to deviate. This study aims to explain the effect of parenting on deviant behavior in adolescence. This study uses the results of studies from journals that are collected and then described and analyzed. The conclusion of this study is that authoritative parenting is ideal because parents are willing to listen and consider the point of view of children so that children with parenting will tend to be responsible and socially competent.


Deviant Behavior, Parenting, Family

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