Hubungan perhatian orang tua dan kedisiplinan belajar terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa SD se kecamatan Sukoharjo

Isvana Munawaroh, Riyadi Riyadi, Siti Wahyuningsih


The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between parents attention and learning discipline on the mathematics learning outcomes of elementary school students in Sukoharjo District. This research uses a data collection method with a questionnaire for parents attention and learning discipline and then a test for mathematics learning outcomes. The tests used in this research are partial correlation test, multiple correlation test, and multiple regression test. The results of the research are (1) The results of the partial correlation test of parents attention and learning outcomes produce a sig value. 0.000<0.05 so there is a relationship between parents attention and mathematics learning outcomes with learning discipline as a control; The partial correlation of learning discipline and learning outcomes also produces a sig value. 0.000<0.05 so there is a partial relationship between the learning discipline variables and mathematics learning outcomes with parents attention as a control; (2) multiple correlation test produces rcount 0,868 > rtable 0.176 and Fcount 193,651 > Ftable 3.07 so there is a relationship between parents attention and learning discipline on mathematics learning outcomes simultaneously; (3) the regression test produces a sig value. equal to 0.000 < 0.05 so that the variables of parents attention and learning discipline have a simultaneous effect on mathematics learning outcomes with the regression equation Y=4.617+0.985X1+0,232X2.


parents attention, learning discipline, mathematics learning outcomes

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