Penggunaan model pembelajaran paired storytelling untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menceritakan kembali pada peserta didik kelas II sekolah dasar

Mutiara Tyas Kinasih, Retno Winarni, Muhammad Ismail Sriyanto


The purpose of the research is to increase story retelling skill through Paired Stoytelling model in the second grade student of SD Negeri Soropadan. The research was conducted by using Classroom Action Research in three cycles. Each cycle consisted of four steps; plannnig, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The techniques for collecting data were interview, observation, test, and documentation. The techniques for analyse data were comparative, descriptive, and critical analysis. The results of pre test showed that the average classical students’s story retelling skill reached only 54,44 and reached 18,5% classical completeness. In the first cycle, the average value of classical story retelling skill was 62,31 and reached 44,4% classical completeness. In the second cycle, the average value of classical retelling skill was 69,21 on and the classical completeness was 66,7%. In the third cycle, the average value of classical story retelling skill was 73,21 and the classical completeness reached 82,1%. The conclusion based on the results above was the implementation of Paired Storytelling model can increase story retelling skills in the second grade student of SD Negeri Soropadan on the academic year of 2019/2020.


story retelling skill, Paired Storytelling model, primary education

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