Pemberdayaan Ibu-ibu PKK di Kelurahan Tawangrejo Wonogiri dengan Pelatihan Pembuatan Nugget dan Sosis yang Mengandung Serat

Yuli Yanti, Joko Riyanto, Ratih Dewanti, Muhammad Cahyadi, Ari Kusuma Wati, Wari Pawestri


Empowerment of PKK Group Village in Tawangrejo Wonogiri by Training Making Nugget and Sausage Contains Fiber. This community service aimed to increase the knowledge of PKK mothers in Tawangrejo village about processing livestock products, especially nuggets and sausages rich in fiber which are healthy and potential to increase the financial income. The service has been carried out in two groups of PKK women, Tawang Rejo sub-district, Jatipurno District, Wonogiri Regency. The service has been held on June 19, 2021. The method used is training and direct practice. The first activity is to provide a questionnaire to measure the level of initial knowledge of respondents about livestock products and how to process them. Next is training on livestock product processing technology and the practice of making livestock products into healthy functional foods because they are rich in fiber and vitamins. The third activity is giving another questionnaire to measure whether the materials and practices presented have succeeded in increasing the knowledge of the respondents. The ingredients used are chicken, broccoli, moringa leaves, corn and peanuts. From this activity, it was found that prior to the activity, knowledge of processing livestock products was only limited to meatballs, partners had never made their own nuggets and sausages. This is because partners do not yet know how to make it. After the extension and practice activities, respondents' knowledge about livestock products and processing methods increased. As much as 79% knowledge of making nuggets increased, while sausage making increased by 100%. As many as 100% of respondents have plans to start a business from processing livestock products, but only 26.4% of respondents will start a business as soon as possible. Partners obtain equipment in the form of an electric meat grinder and a vacuum machine. This service activity is able to increase the knowledge of partners about processing livestock products and open up business opportunities for partners.


broccoli nuggets; chicken nuggets; knowledge of livestock products; Moringa leaf nuggets



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