Pemanfaatan Lahan Pekarangan untuk Budidaya Pakcoy Sistem Vertikultur pada KWT Mawar di Desa Kuaken Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara

Krisantus Tri Pambudi Raharjo, Wilda Lumban Tobing, Boanerges Putra Sipayung, Asep Ikhsan Gumelar, Deseriana Bria, Marinus Kofi, Adolfianus Nino, Imanuel Seran


Utilization of Yard Land for Pakcoy Cultivation Verticulture System at KWT Mawar in Kuaken Village Timor Tengah Utara Regency. Mawar’s Woman Farmers Group (KWT) is located in Kuaken Village and has dry land with shallow and rocky solum. One of the businesses of KWT Mawar is cultivating vegetables. However, the land condition, which is quite dry and far from home, makes it difficult to cultivate crops, and they left her job as a housewife. The yard of Mawar’s KWT can be more productive for growing vegetables through the verticulture system. This service aims to utilize the yard as a pakcoy cultivation area with a vertical system using cow manure and biochar as a planting media at KWT Mawar, Kuaken Village. The activities were carried out in the KWT Mawar in June-August 2021. The activities consisted of several stages, namely: 1) verticulture pipe preparation, 2) planting media preparation, 3) seed sowing, 4) planting, and 5) harvesting. The result showed that the use of yardland through pakcoy cultivation with a vertical system provides many benefits for the community compared to cultivation in beds. This activity resulted in an average plant weight of 80.66 g/hole so total production of about 63 kg in 1 harvest was obtained. The productivity was 1.05 kg/paralon pipe. In addition, these activities have created food resiliences for the family, easier to carry out other activities as housewives, saved time and energy, can process rice husk and cow dung waste for a mixture of planting media, and made the yard have aesthetic value.


aesthetic value; biochar; cow manure; food resilience



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