Metafora Konseptual dan Skema Citra dalam Lirik Kumpulan Lagu Sal Priadi: Kajian Semantik Kognitif

Renata Margareth Libriananda Antika Lumban Tobing, Tajudin Nur, Agus Suherman, Sutiono Mahdi


One of the song genres in Indonesia creates poetic lyrics so that it needs a deep understanding, diving deeper than just the literal meaning. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the metaphorical expression to further examine using human cognition so as to produce conceptual meaning. Through it, the conceptualization of one element in another will be obtained. Conceptual metaphors then generate a structure of meaning derived from life experience. Thus making conceptual metaphors, image schema, and human cognition connected to one another. This research is descriptive qualitative. The data in this study was taken from the lyrics on the 10 songs with the most listeners Sal Priadi according to the Spotify platform. Data analysis and classification using Lakoff and Johnson's theory of Conceptual Metaphors and Cruse and Croft's Image Schema. This study produced 13 conceptual metaphor data, including 3 structural metaphors; 6 orientational metaphors; and 4 ontological metaphorical data. Then the image scheme in Sal Priadi's collection of songs is dominated by the identity schema.


conceptual metaphors, image schema, cognitive semantics

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