The Efforts to Improve Students Affective Ability of X-9 Class SMA Negeri 3 Surakarta through Learning Start with a Questions Strategy with Zygomycotyna Experiment Result Module

Elvin Rangga Firmansyah, Sri Widoretno, Alvi Rosyidi


The purpose of this researh is to find out the improvement of students affective ability of X-9 class SMA Negeri 3 Surakarta through the implementation of Learning Start with a Questions strategy along with module of Zygomycotyna experimental research. This research type is Classroom Action Research which consist of three cycles. Each cycle composed by four steps, there are planning, action, observation, and reflection. Subject of this research is students of X-9 Class SMA Negeri 3 Surakarta Seasons 2010/2011. Data of this research obtained from questionnaire, observation, and interview. Data analyzing technique use qualitative descriptive technique. Data validation technique use triangulation methods. This research show that the implementation of Learning Start with a Questions Strategy along with module of Zygomycotyna experimental research, absolutely, can improve the students affective ability, esspecially in Zygomycotyna topic. This statement based on questionnaire, observation and interview result. Averagely assesses  percentage each indicator of students affective responses questionnaire on pre cycle is 63,27 %, first cycle is 69,53 %  and second cycle is  73,75 % (worked up 4,42 %), averagely  percentage point each indicator of students affective responses questionnaire student for third cycle is 77,87% (worked up 4,12 %). Meanwhile on a percentage point each indicator which is gotten from observation result students affective responses for pre cycle is 46,50 %, first cycle  is  67,64 %  and second cycle is 72,24 % (worked up 4,6 % ),  averagely assesses  percentage each indicator which is gotten from observation result students affective responses for third cycle  is 78,49 % (worked up 6,25 % ). The students interview result are: 94,12 % student interested in implementation of Learning Start with a Questions strategy, 97,05 % student declare that they got more chance to asking questions, extend an idea (88,23%),respond the idea from another student (82,35%), and working in group to find out a problem solving (85,29 %). According to that result, we can give the conclusion that the implementation of Learning Start with a Questions strategy along with module of Zygomycotyna experimental research can improve students affective ability of X-9 class SMA Negeri 3 Surakarta season 2010/2011, esspecially at Zygomycotyna topic.


Key Words: Learning start with a questions strategy, students affective ability

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