Penerapan Desain Pembelajaran Sistem Respirasi berbasis Guided Inquiry Learning dipadu AfL untuk Mengubah Kemampuan Berargumentasi Siswa Kelas SMA

Puji Hendarto, Yudi Rinanto, Murni Ramli


The purpose of this study is to change argumentative skill on XI-class students in SMA through implementing a learning design of the respiratory system based on guided inquiry learning combined with assessment for learning. This research is a classroom action research conducted in three cycles from February to April 2016. Each cycle consists of four stages, namely planning, action, observation, and reflection. The subjects were 31 students of class XI SMA in the academic year of 2015/2016. The research data were obtained through essay tests, observation sheets, and interviews. The main data about the argumentative skill was measured by indicators: claim, reasoning and evidence measured by using argumentative-skill test in the form of questions proposed by the researcher in accordance the adequacy of each indicator. The technique of analyzing data was descriptive analysis while the data validation was triangulation technique. The research procedure used Mc.Taggart Kemmi’s spiral research method. The results show that the application of the learning design of the respiratory system based on inquiry learning combined with assessment for learning is able to change the arguing ability of XI-class students in SMA. The pre-cycle result of the students' arguing ability constitutes 42.9%, in the claim aspect, 32.9% in the reasoning aspect, and 20,32% in the evidence aspect. The first cycle constitutes 80.64% in the claim aspect, 64.51% in the reasoning aspect, and 45.16% in the evidence aspect. Cycle II constitutes 100% in claim aspect, 77.41% in the reasoning aspect, and 70.96% in the evidence aspect. Lastly, cycle III constitutes 100% in the claim aspect, 90.32% in the reasoning aspect, and 87.09% in the evidence aspect.

Kata Kunci

Learning Design based on Guided Inquiry Learning; Argumentative Skill; Assessment for Learning

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