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Issue Title
Vol 21, No 3 (2023): Livestock and Animal Research The influence of objective and subjective knowledge on attitude and willingness to pay veterinary control number-certified livestock food product Abstract PDF
Suci Paramitasari Syahlani, Tian Jihadhan Wankar, Agung Triatmojo
Vol 21, No 1 (2023): Livestock and Animal Research The intensity of the magnetic field on different sex of fetus and accuracy of sex detection using gold ring pendulum Abstract PDF
Mawakia Anwar, Daud Samsudewa, Zainul Muhlisin, Jatmiko Endrosuseno
Vol 19, No 2 (2021): Livestock and Animal Research The most balance composition of calcium-phosphorus in the feed to support growth performance and tibia profile of broiler chicken strain CP 707 Abstract PDF
Charles Venirius Lisnahan, Afred Nubatonis
Vol 22, No 1 (2024): Livestock and Animal Research The potential of biodegradable polymers: Chitosan, polyethylene glycol, and polycaprolactone as materials for progesterone intravaginal devices Abstract PDF
Elma Yuliani Yessa, Ietje Wientarsih, Mokhamad Fakhrul Ulum, Bambang Purwantara, Amrozi Amrozi
Vol 20, No 2 (2022): Livestock and Animal Research The prevalence of Strongylida/strongyles in small ruminants in Manatuto Municipality in central region of Timor-Leste Abstract PDF
Acacio Cardoso Amaral, Joana da Costa Freitas, Rui Daniel de Carvalho, Ana Maria da Costa Goncalves Noronha, Jaime Maria da Silva Ribeiro, Inocencio dos Santos
Vol 19, No 1 (2021): Livestock and Animal Research The quality of buck semen after feed additive minoxvit administration Abstract PDF
Anita Hafid, Riasari Gail Sianturi, Diana Andrianita Kusumaningrum, Yeni Widiawati, Anneke Anggraeni, Ferdy Saputra
Vol 20, No 2 (2022): Livestock and Animal Research The role of livestock farming groups in developing the empowerment of beef cattle fattening business in the Cirebon Regency Abstract PDF
Fitri Dian Perwitasari, Bayu Arisandi, Ahmad Romadhoni Surya Putra, Bambang Suwignyo, Rini Widiati
Vol 22, No 1 (2024): Livestock and Animal Research The success rate of artificial insemination in Limousin crossbred heifer with additional concentrate Abstract PDF
Putri Utami, Andriawan Soni Hantoro, Rizki Prafitri, Kuswati Kuswati, Asri Nurul Huda, Aulia Puspita Anugra Yekti, Trinil Susilawati
Vol 19, No 1 (2021): Livestock and Animal Research Tingkah laku agresif rusa Timor (Cervus timorensis) jantan di penangkaran pada fase diurnal dan nokturnal Abstract PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)
Sally Saurma Silalahi, Daud Samsudewa, Enny Tantini Setiatin, Yon Soepri Ondho
Vol 20, No 2 (2022): Livestock and Animal Research Utilization of Indigofera (Indigofera zollingeriana) leaf meal in the ration on chemical meat composition, carcass and non-carcass production, and feces-derived methane yield of male growing rabbit Abstract PDF
Sutaryo Sutaryo, Oktafia Munita Rahmawati, Subur Subur, Retno Adiwinarti, Endang Purbowati, Agung Purnomoadi
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