Fitri Kartika Sari


The development of the internet has made it easier for people to get information,
spread information, and work using social media. Vlog is one of the social media
that can earn income if it is consistent in its use. This study aims to compare the way
of vloggers in delivering video blogs. This study used descriptive qualitative method.
The results of this study indicate that the vlog made by Ria SW with Arief Muhammad
has different content where they are both vloggers who are looking for income by
attracting people to see the videos they upload. Suggestions and recommendations
from this study are that anyone can disseminate their work to the wider community,
besides earning income by uploading videos such as Ria SW and Arief Muhammad if
the public wants to use the internet media well.


vlog; social media; Ria SW; Arief Muhammad

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20961/jpi.v4i1.33810


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