Septevan Nanda Yudisman


Evaluation activities within each collection in the library is a process that must be done as well in the process of weeding on collections repository it is to earn an extra place for the new collection, making the collection more can utilized as a source of information that is accurate, relevant, up to date and interesting, give ease to the user collection, and allow the staff of the library to manage the collection more effective and efficient then The purpose of this research was to know the process Of weeding repository at The University Of bunghatta, the barriers and the time when the process of weeding and methods implemented in this research is descriptive qualitative interview process by implementing against the speaker, namely the staff of Library University Of Bunghatta.



evaluation; weeding; repository; university library; Universitas Bung Hatta

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20961/jpi.v4i2.33712


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