Advanced Mathematic Thinking Ability Based on The Level of Student's Self-Trust in Learning Mathematic Discrete

Yemi Kuswardi, Budi Usodo, Sutopo Sutopo, Henny Ekana Chrisnawati, Farida Nurhasanah


Mathematical thinking and self-confidence are indispensable aspects of learning mathematics and are influential in solving mathematical problems. In higher education mathematics learning, advanced mathematical thinking skills are required (Advance Mathematical Thinking. Advanced mathematical thinking processes include: 1) mathematical representation, 2) mathematical abstraction, 3) connecting mathematical representation and abstraction, 4) creative thinking, and 5) mathematical proof. Discrete mathematics is one of the courses in mathematics education FKIP UNS. The problems in Discrete Mathematics courses are usually presented in the form of contextual problems. Students often experience difficulties in making mathematical expressions and mathematical abstractions from these contextual problems. In addition, students also experience difficulties in bookkeeping. Most students often prove by using examples of some real problems. Even though proof in mathematics can be obtained by deductive thinking processes or inductive thinking processes, the truth is that mathematics cannot only come from the general assumption of inductive thinking. Based on this, a qualitative descriptive study was carried out which aims to determine the advanced mathematical thinking skills based on the level of student self-confidence. Research with the research subjects of FKIP UNS Mathematics Education Students in Discrete Mathematics learning for the 2019/2020 school year gave general results that the student's ability in advanced mathematical thinking was strongly influenced by the level of student confidence in learning. The higher the student's self-confidence level, the better the student's advanced mathematical thinking ability, so that high self-confidence has a great chance of being successful in solving math problems.


advanced mathematical thinking, self-confidence

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