Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process and Weighted Product Methods in Determining the Best Employees

Sri Harjanto, Setiyowati Setiyowati, Retno Tri Vulandari


Abstract. Employees are one of the company's assets that must be managed properly. Therefore the selection of the best employees is now needed. The problem faced in determining the best and qualified employees is that there are still no standards in assessing only one person subjectively in determining the best employee, which consequently lacks appropriate or objective results. To provide rewards for the best employees, we need a system to support the decisions of the best employees who deserve to receive rewards to be on target. The purpose of this research is to design and build a decision support system application in determining the best employees using the analytic hierarchy process and weighted product methods. Stages of software development of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) uses a waterfall, that is data analysis, system design, construction, coding, testing and implementation. The results of this process are in the form of calculation applications that have been obtained from the analytic hierarchy process and weighted product methods in determining the best employee. The result gives an accuracy rate of 82.3%.

Keywords: analytic hierarchy process, weighted product, decision support system, employees

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