Analisis Cluster Intensitas Kebencanaan di Indonesia Menggunakan Metode K-Means

Hafiz Yusuf Heraldi, Nabila Churin Aprilia, Hasih Pratiwi


Indonesia is one of the most prone countries to natural disasters in the world because of the climate, soil, hydrology, geology, and geomorphology. There are many different natural disasters, but the three most common natural disasters in Indonesia are flood, landslide, and tornado. This research aimed to cluster the provinces in Indonesia based on the flood, landslide, and tornado’s intensity in 2018. The results of clustering by K-Means method in this research divided the provinces in Indonesia into four clusters. The second cluster contained West Java, Central Java, and Bali, the third cluster contained DKI Jakarta, the fourth cluster contained DI Yogyakarta, and the first cluster contained the other 29 provinces. The result of this research hopefully can help the government in order to make decision and improve the natural disaster management system, such as preparedness, disaster response, and disaster recovery based on the most common disaster in each province. Furthermore, the society is expected to be more aware on natural disaster management based on the most common natural disaster in province that they lived.

Keywords : natural disaster, cluster, k-means

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