Penerapan Generalized Cross Validation dalam Model Regresi Smoothing Spline pada Produksi Ubi Jalar di Jawa Tengah

Trionika Dian Wahyuningsih, Sri Sulistijowati Handajani, Diari Indriati


Sweet Potato is a useful plant as a source carbohydrates, proteins, and is used as an animal feed and ingredient industry. Based on data from the Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), the production fluctuations of the sweet potato in Central Java from year to year are caused by many factor. The production of sweet potato and the factors that affected it if they are described into a pattern of relationships then they do not have a specific pattern and do not follow a particular distribution, such as harvest area, the allocation of subsidized urea fertilizer, and the allocation of subsidized organic fertilizer. Therefore, the production model of sweet potato could be applied into nonparametric regression model. The approach used for nonparametric regression in this study is smoothing spline regression. The method used in regression smoothing spline is generalized cross validation (GCV). The value of the smoothing parameter (λ) is chosen from the minimum GCV value. The results of the study show that the optimum λ value for the factors of harvest area, urea fertilizer and organic fertilizer are 5.57905e-14, 2.51426e-06, and 3.227217e-13 that they result a minimum GCV i.e 2.29272e-21, 1.38391e-16, and 3.46813e-24.


Keywords: Sweet potato; nonparametric; smoothing spline; generalized cross validation.

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