Extensive Speaking Practice for Instagram Live Shows: A Narrative Inquiry Research in an EFL Context

Fatiha Najma Yustisia, Ngadiso Ngadiso, Muhammad Asrori


Acquiring second language skills needs both cognitive and affective filters. Furthermore, Covid-19 pandemics changed how people learn EFL through mobile phones or computers in which learning speaking takes place. This research tells how the researcher’s experiences with Instagram live shows can reveal her extensive speaking practice and how using Instagram live shows as extensive speaking practice can enhance her speaking skills. This study is an autobiographical case study in narrative inquiry design which collected the researcher’s experiences when conducting Instagram live shows. The data for this paper were taken both from non-narrative data and narrative data. The non-narrative data were from video documentation of Instagram live shows collected in 2020, while narrative data were from written Learning Language Histories (LLHs). The data, then, were analyzed thematically. The study found that Instagram live streaming practices reveal extensive speaking principles focusing on an autonomous learning journey that positively improved the researcher’s intercultural communication skills, communication skills and strategies, learning network opportunity, and most notably speaking skills. Instagram live streaming pushed the researcher to have extensive speaking practices which enabled her to have more output of the learned language, English, at an advanced level. The output gave the awareness of language elements and language skills. Besides, the practices also developed the researcher’s positive attitudes such as confidence and fluency.


Instagram; MALL; narrative inquiry; EFL; extensive speaking

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