Tuesday Teachers Training: CPD for Teachers of a Bilingual Islamic School in Surakarta

Ellisa Indriyani Putri Handayani


As an inclusive and bilingual school, the need to maintain and make sure that the teaching and learning process is conducted well in English is crucially demanded. Not only to meet the National Education standard, but also the school vision itself, i.e. the realization of a World Class School that can be a source of innovation and creativity in efforts to improve education and lead to the equity of qualified education for all Indonesian people. This paper intends to describe a bilingual division program of a bilingual Islamic school in Surakarta, namely Tuesday Teachers Training, a weekly Continuing (Teacher) Professional Development or CPD in form of English training for teachers. Employing a descriptive qualitative in term of case study, the subject of this study were teachers of a bilingual Islamic school in Surakarta. It portrayed the program, the problem faced, and the solutions used in the process. The data were collected from observation, interview, and document analysis. The result shows that there were three steps in conducting Tuesday Teachers Training, namely preparation stage, implementation stage, and evaluation stage. Implementation stage consisted of two main activities, namely teaching practice and game. The Tuesday Teachers Training was held in a fun and less formal way. The teachers were fully aware of the benefits of joining the training.


Bilingual Division Program, CPD, inclusive school, teachers training

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